Wednesday 6 June 2012

Blog Challenge - Day 6

Nicknames You Have and Why You Have Them

I've had a couple of nicknames over the years, but none of them have really stuck.

There was always Hannah Banana (insert eyeroll here), which I heard WAY too much for my liking :P

I don't know how well this will come off in writing, but when I was a kid my mom would call me Hannikah (as in, Hannah can ya do this, Hannah can ya do that...)

When I went to visit some adopted family in New Jersey a few years ago, my cousin called me Banana the whole time, and still calls me that when I talk to him :)  (Don't know why I prefer Banana to Hannah Banana, but I do...I'm just weird I guess...)

When hubby and I were first dating, my sister would call us the Giant and the Midget (He's over 6'1", I'm 5'1")

I worked at a small produce shop for a while, and one of the guys there would call me Hannabee, (short for Hannah Banana again...), or simply, B, and I really liked that as well :)

Rather mundane, but still cute!


  1. I call my Hannah (my niece) "Nanners". Hopefully she'll not hate it later in life. :)

  2. LOL at the Giant and the Midget.

  3. I would rather have the giant and midget nickname over Hannah Bananaanananananan.just saying

  4. My older sister and her husband have the same height difference... she claims it is good luck to have such a height difference. They have been married for 12 years and together for 17 years now. They refer to themselves as the vertically challenged couple (way too PC for me :P).
