Saturday, 23 June 2012

Day 23 - Favourite Blog Post You've Written Before This Challenge

Today's prompt came from Alecia at Chicken Scratch NY

I haven't written many posts on this blog before the challenge, and I've actually already used one of those (mmm, banana bread).  Around 7 years ago I had a blog for a while, and there's one post from it that, to this day, I remember and have a chuckle over.


"Bye-bye" Letters

I needed some help with telling a guy that I really wasn't interested in him, and that he was kind-of freaking me out with calling me and emailing me all the time, so a friend of mine (my mom, actually) came up with some options for me to choose from.  She started the creative ball rolling, and one of my brothers started contributing, and I came up with a couple as well.
(*not his real name)

Thank you for your email and invite, but I feel God is focusing my attention in another direction...

Please BUG OFF.

Please take a long walk off a short dock.

You are freaking me out.  Go away.

Some people are suggesting to me that you are a stalker.  Go find someone else to chase.

You are a freak.  Good-bye.

Your good friend warned me never to go out with you.  If they know you and say that, well, I would be nuts to go anywhere near you.

My bodyguard is big and tough.  He will find you and punch your lights out if you ever contact me again.

I feel like puking every time I think of you.  Do you think this is a sign?  I do.

I am sure you are a really nice guy, but you are making me think you are someone dangerous.  Do not contact me again.  Thanks and have a nice day.

I am thrilled that the love of my life has moved back to my area.  So, I have no time for you.  Goodbye.

Go away.

Get lost.  Thanks.  Have a nice life.

Hope this doesn't seem rude - LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!!!!!  Thanks.

If you are having trouble telling someone to give you space, feel free to use any of these 'bye-bye letters' :)

1 comment:

  1. Haha! I had fun reading these! Hope he got the point!
