Thursday 21 June 2012

Day 21 - Most Recent Words of Wisdom You Heard that Stuck With You

I haven't heard any Words of Wisdom recently, per se, but I did read some :)  I popped on Facebook this morning and saw this:

I believe in giving credit, unfortunately I can't remember who posted it, so, if you did, thank you!

This was meaningful to me, because I've come to realize that having a 5-month-old (and a busy, cuddly one at that) is rather time-consuming, not that I mind in the least :)  Sometimes other things (like blog posts and sweeping the floor) get away from me.  Instead of feeling guilty that I haven't cleaned the house every day or done what I would have expected myself pre-child to do, I just try to remember to do at least one thing every day.

And sometimes I need reminding...

What words of wisdom have you read recently??

1 comment:

  1. I need to remember this every day pretty much, lol.
