Friday 22 June 2012

Day 22 - What Did You Want to Be When You Grew Up?

For our Summer Blog Challenge, Kassie over at Going Green with the Grizls asked us, the Blog Hop Participants, if we had any ideas or topics for blog posts.

This one was my idea :)

....And now I'm trying to figure out what my answer to the question is...

When I was a kid, I wanted to be a mom.  Then I wanted to be a ballerina.  Then I wanted to be a mom.  Then I wanted to be an architect (until I found out how much advanced math I'd have to know.  No, thank you!).  Then I wanted to be an archaeologist or a paleontologist.  Then a marine biologist.  Then a farmer.  A mom.  A nurse.  A school teacher (ironic, seeing as I was home-educated).  A mom.  A writer.  A film-maker.  A sound engineer.  A social-service worker.  A mom.

I waffled everywhere.  At the back of my mind I always knew I wanted to be a mom.  When I was a kid I even had an imaginary family for several years; husband and five kids.  I still remember all their names :)  But when I got into my teens I thought that I had to be something besides a mom.  I thought I had to be 'something', and have my family on the side.  So I decided I wanted to have an interesting job.  Hands-on.  Creative.  Information-seeking.

I didn't go to college right after high-school.  I tried my hand at various 'careers' and in various industries, and, while I fell in love with some of the jobs I had (I still drool over professional audio equipment...), I felt like I hadn't yet come across my 'true calling'.

Then I met my husband.  Then we got married.  Then I had a baby.

And I've found my true calling.

I'm a mom.

While I might work outside the home to receive a paycheque, it will only ever be a job.  My career is and will be my kids, and I'm proud of that :)

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?  If you want to hop to another blog to see what others have to say, click here.


  1. I am the same way. I wanted to be everything at one point or another but what I really want to be is just a mom. :)

  2. Lovely.... and like you and Kendall, my children are my most career... and the most fulfilling! :~)

    You may read my Summer Blog Challenge post for today Here!
